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Virtues of Sinning - Envious Fortitude

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Virtues of Sinning - Envious Fortitude Empty Virtues of Sinning - Envious Fortitude

Post by Joshua Tue Sep 28, 2010 8:21 am

The towering form of Mt. Moon stands tall at the end of Route 3, rocky outcrops and grassy patches making for a rugged looking route. Along the path, however, stands a lone large tree with several thick branches, quite obvious amidst the boulders and foliage. Two lone figures can be seen at this tree, one leaning against the base of the tree in a meditative yoga position, the other sprawled out along one of the lower branches.

The figure on the branch perks up at the sound of you approaching, and with a yawn they sit up, revealing it to be a rather plain looking girl. Dressed in rugged green outdoor wear, she hides most of her face behind long brown hair, only eyes of dull emerald really visible. Without a word she slides off the branch, falling several feet to land gracefully on the ground without hassle.

The resulting thud causes her companion to open his eyes. Fluidly he rises to his feet from his position, revealing a much more fashionable ensemble than his companion. Dressed in dark brown hiking boots and thin khaki cargo pants and topped off with a thin looking forest green top, his attention focuses immediately on you. Short black hair is visible beneath his khaki cap, and his meadow green eyes stare at you, radiating strength as he does.

"Hello there," the boy speaks, a deep rumbling voice echoing from his mouth. "Traveler, will you not aid settle a war..."

"Oh shut up," the girl snaps. "Must you always sound so damn dramatic? And why do you think they always want to listen to you?" Her voice is sharp and crisp as she speaks harshly to her companion. "Do us a favour, would you?" she says, turning to you. "I'm Envy, and this macho pompadour here is Fortitude. We..."

"If I might explain this properly," the thusly identified Fortitude cuts in. "Ours is one of seven rivalries, legendary throughout Kanto. Seven Sins and Seven Virtues, each one despising the other. We travel together, asking travelers for aid in our rivalry. And in exchange..."

"In exchange," Envy interrupts swiftly. "You pick one of us, Sin or Virtue. You do something for the person you pick, and we reward you for choosing us, depending on how well you do whatever we feel like making you do. Make sense?"

[Your updator will RP this quest into your thread as you journey along Route 3. Choose wisely, both Sin and Virtue have different rewards and different challenges in wait for those brave enough to choose.]

Posts : 170
Join date : 2010-07-01
Age : 35
Location : Australia

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